Verdure No. 3 | Bouquet (Dried)
Our Verdure No. 3 Bouquet includes a variety of specialty blooms curated by our floral designers with lush stems of greenery and sprigs of accent flowers. Our Verdure No. 3 bouquet is available with or without our Verdure No. 3 Vase.
Preorder now for Delivery or Store Pickup at checkout.
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The photos represent the spirit of the bouquet. Flowers, foliage and color palette will change weekly. The size of the bouquet will remain the same.
General Information:
Open Everyday 10-7
Crossroads | 128 W. 18th Street
Morningside | 647 E. 59th Street
Phone: 816-295-8775
Verdure No. 3 | Bouquet (Dried)